Saturday, October 13

Railway Route Optimization System

Railway Route Optimization System

Railway Route Optimization System is a product to serve to users who are tourists. The Main purpose of the project is to let the end users or passengers to know the shortest path to reach the destination with in short period and with amount as minimum as possible and as early as possible when more than one Railways route is to there to reach the destination. This optimization system shows the graphical representation of the train route from staring point to ending point, this is very use full in now a days to know the train details i.e. train Starting Point and Ending Point, Starting time and arrival time Charge for A Starting point to Ending Point
The Railways Route Optimization has 4 Modules
•  Stations
•  Trains
•  Route
•  Search
Stations module :
This module Maintains the data about station and allow operations like addition, deletion, modification. This module maintains stations tables and fields are station-id, station-name, and district, state. In this table Station-id, station-name is unique does not allow any unique values.
For arranging a route Starting station, ending station, via stations are must be registered in stations module, after registration of the stations administrator can arrange the path among that stations. This station module is handled by administrator only, can not handle end user
Trains module :
This module maintains the data about trains and allows operations like additions, deletion, and modification. The train module handles trains table and fields are train-id, train-name, starting-station, ending station, starting-time, ending-time, train-type.
In this train-id unique and this attribute does not allow any duplicate values
Route :
This module maintains the data about routes between stations and This module handle the routes tables and fields are route-id, starting-station, destination, timetakenforordinary, and timetakenforexpress. The module shows the graphical representation of a route between starting-station and destination.
This module is very useful to know routes between any two stations and also know shortest path among the routes, and also gives graphical representation of the corresponding routes
Search :

This module maintains the data about trains, routes tables and this module gives reports on trains and routes, this module
In this project has two active actors they are
1. Administrator
Administrator :
The administrator has privileges on Stations, Trains, and Routes he can Add data into these tables and allow all operations on these tables. Once data is stored into these tables after the traveler can send a query on that data for generating reports. And he can easily find out which is the shortest path between two stations
Traveler :
The traveler has only privileges on search for a train and a route. The traveler sends queries to server and gets reports on the requested data and he will get graphical representation of the path between any two stations

Thursday, June 28

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network’s WEP Password with BackTrack

You already know that if you want to lock down your Wi-Fi network, you should opt for WPA encryption because WEP is easy to crack. But did you know how easy? Take a look.
Note: This post demonstrates how to crack WEP passwords, an older and less often used network security protocol. If the network you want to crack is using the more popular WPA encryption, see our guide to cracking a Wi-Fi network's WPA password with Reaver instead.
Today we're going to run down, step-by-step, how to crack a Wi-Fi network with WEP security turned on. But first, a word: Knowledge is power, but power doesn't mean you should be a jerk, or do anything illegal. Knowing how to pick a lock doesn't make you a thief. Consider this post educational, or a proof-of-concept intellectual exercise.
Dozens of tutorials on how to crack WEP are already all over the internet using this method. Seriously—Google it. This ain't what you'd call "news." But what is surprising is that someone like me, with minimal networking experience, can get this done with free software and a cheap Wi-Fi adapter. Here's how it goes.

What You'll Need

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrackUnless you're a computer security and networking ninja, chances are you don't have all the tools on hand to get this job done. Here's what you'll need:
  • A compatible wireless adapter—This is the biggest requirement. You'll need a wireless adapter that's capable of packet injection, and chances are the one in your computer is not. After consulting with my friendly neighborhood security expert, I purchased an Alfa AWUS050NH USB adapter, pictured here, and it set me back about $50 on Amazon. Update: Don't do what I did. Get the Alfa AWUS036H, not the US050NH, instead. The guy in this videobelow is using a $12 model he bought on Ebay (and is even selling his router of choice). There are plenty of resources on getting aircrack-compatible adapters out there.
  • A BackTrack Live CD. We already took you on a full screenshot tour of how to install and use BackTrack 3, the Linux Live CD that lets you do all sorts of security testing and tasks. Download yourself a copy of the CD and burn it, or load it up in VMware to get started.
  • A nearby WEP-enabled Wi-Fi network. The signal should be strong and ideally people are using it, connecting and disconnecting their devices from it. The more use it gets while you collect the data you need to run your crack, the better your chances of success.
  • Patience with the command line. This is an ten-step process that requires typing in long, arcane commands and waiting around for your Wi-Fi card to collect data in order to crack the password. Like the doctor said to the short person, be a little patient.

Crack That WEP

To crack WEP, you'll need to launch Konsole, BackTrack's built-in command line. It's right there on the taskbar in the lower left corner, second button to the right. Now, the commands.
First run the following to get a list of your network interfaces:
The only one I've got there is labeled ra0. Yours may be different; take note of the label and write it down. From here on in, substitute it in everywhere a command includes (interface).
Now, run the following four commands. See the output that I got for them in the screenshot below.

airmon-ng stop (interface)
ifconfig (interface) down
macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface)
airmon-ng start (interface)
How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrackIf you don't get the same results from these commands as pictured here, most likely your network adapter won't work with this particular crack. If you do, you've successfully "faked" a new MAC address on your network interface, 00:11:22:33:44:55.
Now it's time to pick your network. Run:
airodump-ng (interface)
To see a list of wireless networks around you. When you see the one you want, hit Ctrl+C to stop the list. Highlight the row pertaining to the network of interest, and take note of two things: its BSSID and its channel (in the column labeled CH), as pictured below. Obviously the network you want to crack should have WEP encryption (in the ENC) column, not WPA or anything else.
How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrackLike I said, hit Ctrl+C to stop this listing. (I had to do this once or twice to find the network I was looking for.) Once you've got it, highlight the BSSID and copy it to your clipboard for reuse in the upcoming commands.
Now we're going to watch what's going on with that network you chose and capture that information to a file. Run:
airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (file name) --bssid (bssid) (interface)
Where (channel) is your network's channel, and (bssid) is the BSSID you just copied to clipboard. You can use the Shift+Insert key combination to paste it into the command. Enter anything descriptive for (file name). I chose "yoyo," which is the network's name I'm cracking.
How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack
You'll get output like what's in the window in the background pictured below. Leave that one be. Open a new Konsole window in the foreground, and enter this command:
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 -e (essid) (interface)
Here the ESSID is the access point's SSID name, which in my case is yoyo. What you want to get after this command is the reassuring "Association successful" message with that smiley face.
How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack
You're almost there. Now it's time for:
aireplay-ng -3 -b (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface)
Here we're creating router traffic to capture more throughput faster to speed up our crack. After a few minutes, that front window will start going crazy with read/write packets. (Also, I was unable to surf the web with the yoyo network on a separate computer while this was going on.) Here's the part where you might have to grab yourself a cup of coffee or take a walk. Basically you want to wait until enough data has been collected to run your crack. Watch the number in the "#Data" column—you want it to go above 10,000. (Pictured below it's only at 854.)
Depending on the power of your network (mine is inexplicably low at -32 in that screenshot, even though the yoyo AP was in the same room as my adapter), this process could take some time. Wait until that #Data goes over 10k, though—because the crack won't work if it doesn't. In fact, you may need more than 10k, though that seems to be a working threshold for many.
How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack
Once you've collected enough data, it's the moment of truth. Launch a third Konsole window and run the following to crack that data you've collected:
aircrack-ng -b (bssid) (file name-01.cap)
Here the filename should be whatever you entered above for (file name). You can browse to your Home directory to see it; it's the one with .cap as the extension.
If you didn't get enough data, aircrack will fail and tell you to try again with more. If it succeeds, it will look like this:
The WEP key appears next to "KEY FOUND." Drop the colons and enter it to log onto the network.

Problems Along the Way

With this article I set out to prove that cracking WEP is a relatively "easy" process for someone determined and willing to get the hardware and software going. I still think that's true, but unlike the guy in the video below, I had several difficulties along the way. In fact, you'll notice that the last screenshot up there doesn't look like the others—it's because it's not mine. Even though the AP which I was cracking was my own and in the same room as my Alfa, the power reading on the signal was always around -30, and so the data collection was very slow, and BackTrack would consistently crash before it was complete. After about half a dozen attempts (and trying BackTrack on both my Mac and PC, as a live CD and a virtual machine), I still haven't captured enough data for aircrack to decrypt the key.
So while this process is easy in theory, your mileage may vary depending on your hardware, proximity to the AP point, and the way the planets are aligned. Oh yeah, and if you're on deadline—Murphy's Law almost guarantees it won't work if you're on deadline.

Tuesday, May 1


If you’re like me, you probably use Google many times a day.  But, chances are, unless you are a technology geek, you probably still use Google in its simplest form.  If your current use of Google is limited to typing a few words in, and changing your query until you find what you’re looking for, then I’m here to tell you that there’s a better way – and it’s not hard to learn.  On the other hand, if you are a technology geek, and can use Google like the best of them already, then I suggest you bookmark this article of Google search tips.  You’ll then have the tips on hand when you are ready to pull your hair out in frustration when watching a neophyte repeatedly type in basic queries in a desperate attempt to find something.
The following Google search tips are based on my own experience and things that I actually find useful.  The list is by no means comprehensive.  But, I assure you that by learning and using the 12 tips below, you’ll rank up there with the best of the Google experts out there.  I’ve kept the descriptions of the search tips intentionally terse as you’re likely to grasp most of these simply by looking at the example from Google anyways.

12 Expert Google Search Tips

  1. Explicit Phrase:
    Lets say you are looking for content about internet marketing.  Instead of just typing internet marketing into the Google search box, you will likely be better off searching explicitly for the phrase.  To do this, simply enclose the search phrase within double quotes.
    Example: "internet marketing"
  2. Exclude Words:
    Lets say you want to search for content about internet marketing, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term advertising.  To do this, simply use the "-" sign in front of the word you want to exclude.
    Example Search: internet marketing -advertising
  3. Site Specific Search:
    Often, you want to search a specific website for content that matches a certain phrase.  Even if the site doesn’t support a built-in search feature, you can use Google to search the site for your term. Simply use the "" modifier.
    Example: "internet marketing"
  4. Similar Words and Synonyms:
    Let’s say you want to include a word in your search, but want to include results that contain similar words or synonyms.  To do this, use the "~" in front of the word.
    Example: "internet marketing" ~professional
  5. Specific Document Types:
    If you’re looking to find results that are of a specific type, you can use the modifier "filetype:".  For example, you might want to find only PowerPoint presentations related to internet marketing.
    Example: "internet marketing" filetype:ppt
  6. This OR That:
    By default, when you do a search, Google will include all the terms specified in the search.  If you are looking for any one of one or more terms to match, then you can use the OR operator.  (Note: The OR has to be capitalized).
    Example: internet marketing OR advertising
  7. Phone Listing:
    Let’s say someone calls you on your mobile number and you don’t know who it is.  If all you have is a phone number, you can look it up on Google using the phonebook feature.
    Example: phonebook:617-555-1212 (note: the provided number does not work – you’ll have to use a real number to get any results).
  8. Area Code Lookup:
    If all you need to do is to look-up the area code for a phone number, just enter the 3-digit area code and Google will tell you where it’s from.
    Example: 617
  9. Numeric Ranges:
    This is a rarely used, but highly useful tip.  Let’s say you want to find results that contain any of a range of numbers.  You can do this by using the X..Y modifier (in case this is hard to read, what’s between the X and Y are two periods.)  This type of search is useful for years (as shown below), prices, or anywhere where you want to provide a series of numbers.
    Example: president 1940..1950
  10. Stock (Ticker Symbol):
    Just enter a valid ticker symbol as your search term and Google will give you the current financials and a quick thumb-nail chart for the stock.
    Example: GOOG
  11. Calculator:
    The next time you need to do a quick calculation, instead of bringing up the Calculator applet, you can just type your expression in to Google.
    Example: 48512 * 1.02
  12. Word Definitions:
    If you need to quickly look up the definition of a word or phrase, simply use the "define:" command.
    Example: define:plethora
Hope this list of Google search tips proves useful in your future Google searches.  If there are any of your favorite Google expert power tips that I’ve missed, please feel free to share them in the comments

Tuesday, February 21


- PS2 capable of playing backups
- USB flash drive (most will work, but not all)
- CD burner and 1 blank CDR
Backup PS2 memory card to USB
STEP ONE – Burn uLaunchELF
Download, extract and burn the uLaunchELF ISO.
STEP TWO – Load uLaunchELF on the PS2
Load up the uLaunchELF disc in your PS2 and plug in your USB drive. This CD should work in any PS2 capable of playing ‘backup’ discs, if everything goes to plan you should see the PlayStation2 logo for a second, followed by the uLaunchELF menu. You should see a list of drives, including the PS2 memory card(s), and hopefully your USB flash drive (listed as “MASS”).
STEP THREE – Backup your PS2 saves to USB drive
You can now start copying and pasting PS2 game saves from your memory card to your flash drive – most of the commands you’ll need for copying and pasting are on the uLaunchELF screen. Once you’ve worked out how to copy PS2 game saves between your memory card and flash drive you can easily reclaim filespace on your memory card by copying game saves onto the flash drive, and archiving them on your PC.
Using the uLaunchELF boot CD, you can also get the PS2 to run homebrew software such as emulators (SNES Station, PGEN etc.) and media players from a flash drive. Just copy the required files from your PC to the flash drive, boot up your PS2 using the uLaunchELF cd, then navigate to the ‘MASS’ flash drive – you can run most homebrew ‘elf’ programs directly from the flash drive – or you can copy them to a memory card and run them from there.

Saturday, February 4

Stop A Restart Process In 3steps

Some times we need to stop some restart process quickly. In windows XP some times it gives auto restart warning and here is good solution for it.

1. Go to Start menu
2. Click on RUN
3. Enter the following command excluding hashcodes "shutdown -a"

its Done.

Thursday, February 2

How To Remove and Add Right-Click Menu Items from Files and Folders

Removing Items
A lot of programs you install will add themselves to the right-click menu of your files and/or folders. And most times, you have no choice in the matter and, as a result, your right-click menu can get very long with added items you don't even use. The last person I was helping with this had a right context menu so long that the Rename option was no longer visible!
Fortunately, you can easily remove those unwanted menu items, if you know the registry values to edit. And it's not at all difficult once you know the keys responsible for the additions.

For Files, the secret lies in the "context menu handlers" under the shellex subkey for "All Files" which, in the registry, is nothing but an asterisk - like a dos wildcard, which means the values entered apply to all files. It is at the very top of the Root key, right here:


Click the the + sign next to the ContextMenuHandlers key, to expand it.
Now you will see some of the programs that have added items to your right-click menu. Simply delete the program keys you don't want.
Yup! It's that simple. If deleting makes you uneasy, just export the key before deleting it. Or, instead of deleting the values, disable them. Simply double click the default value for the program on the right hand pane and rename the clsid value by placing a period or dash in front of it.
ie; - {b5eedee0-c06e-11cf-8c56-444553540000}
Then exit the registry, refresh, and right click a file to see if the item was removed from the menu.
Some programs - like WinZip or WinRar - will add several items to your right click menu but all of them will be removed by deleting or disabling their one context menu handler.

Note that the above key only applies to the right click menu of files.
To remove entries from the right click context menu of folders, you need to navigate to the Folder and Drive keys:


All you have to do is follow the same procedure as for Files - either disable or delete items you wish to remove.
Adding Items
Adding Items to the right click menu of Files and Folders is also fairly simple using the Registry. It just involves the creation of a few new keys for each item you wish to add. You edit the same keys used for removing items. Let's use Notepad as an example of an item you'd like to add to the right click menu of all your files or folders.

For folders, go to this key:
Click the + sign next to Folder and expand it so that the Shell key is visible. Right click the Shell key and choose New>Key and name the key Notepad or whatever else you'd prefer (whatever the key is named is what will appear in the right-click menu). Now right click the new key you made and create another key named Command. Then, in the right hand pane, double click "Default" and enter Notepad.exe as the value.
Exit the registry, refresh, and right click any folder. Notepad should now be on the context menu.

For files, go here again:

Expand the * key and see if a Shell key exists. If it does exist, follow the same procedure as for folders. If it does not exist, you'll have to create a new Shell first. Just right click the * key and choose New>Key and name it Shell. Then right click the Shell key and continue on the same way you did for adding items to the right click menu of folders.
Once done, Notepad should appear as an option in the right click menu of all your files.
Vic Ferri owns the very popular WinTips and Tricks <> email group. He is also in charge of the Printing Tips <> and Registry Tips <> pages at Linda's Computer Stop.

Sunday, January 29

how to disable Facebook Timeline and get the old profile back

How to disable Facebook Timeline and get the old profile back

Step 1: Head to the Facebook Developers page where you originally created an app to enable Timeline. Click "Edit app."
Step 2: The only way to remove Timeline is to delete the app. If you are an actual developer, you're out of luck. Otherwise, click "Delete app" in the left sidebar.
Once you confirm the app deletion, your Facebook Timeline will be disabled.

Friday, January 27

How to "Delete administrator Password" without any software

How to "Delete administrator Password" without any software

Method 1

Boot up with DOS and delete the sam.exe and sam.log files from Windows\system32\config in your hard drive. Now when you boot up in NT the password on your built-in administrator account which will be blank (i.e No password). This solution works only if your hard drive is FAT kind.

Method 2

1. Put your hard disk of your computer in any other pc .Step 2. Boot that computer and use your hard disk as a secondary hard disk (D'nt boot as primary hard disk ).Step 3. Then open that drive in which the victim’s window(or your window) is installed.Step 4. Go to location windows->system32->configStep 5. And delete SAM.exe and SAM.log 
Step 6. Now remove hard disk and put in your computer.
Step 7. And boot your computer :-)